Monday, June 6, 2011

small bird tattoo

small bird tattoo. Small bird tattoo photo 1
  • Small bird tattoo photo 1

  • oakie
    Apr 23, 07:25 AM
    is "zoom" turned off in the accessibility settings?

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  • ird tattoo art.

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 23, 09:53 AM
    That's so he can look through it!

    Seriously, that's worth mentioning?

    I was wondering if it was a functioning implant designed to restore sight or a non-functioning cosmetic replacement for a lost eye. I did a quick look and it seems the functioning kind are pretty rare so prob not.

    I am impressed that someone with limited sight and/or no depth perception would be so good at designing things.

    Scientific research is a pretty awesome goal, I hope he enjoys it.

    small bird tattoo. An awesome ird tattoo done on
  • An awesome ird tattoo done on

  • bennetsaysargh
    Jun 28, 11:16 AM
    sorry, but i don't know how to do that.
    you might want to chjeck sites like to see if they have something for that. there are things so you can have different iPhoto and iTunes libraries, so i dont see why they cant do something for iCal.

    small bird tattoo. three little irds tattoo.
  • three little irds tattoo.

  • scb02
    Feb 8, 03:26 PM
    Link (

    Love this wallpaper. The link however seams to be for a diffrent version.

    Do you have this version?



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  • and tweety ird tattoo on

  • /user/me
    Mar 9, 11:15 AM

    Not quite sure how that fits here....

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  • small bird tattoo designs

  • MacDawg
    Mar 10, 06:16 AM
    Specific moderation is typically not discussed within the Forum itself
    If you have questions about how something has been handled, please use the Contact Us ( link at the bottom of most pages and it will be addressed privately



    small bird tattoo. +of+the+phoenix+ird
  • +of+the+phoenix+ird

  • rstansby
    Feb 10, 07:01 PM
    Att on facebook said you must on the Att nation 450 &900 or the family 700 or higher to qualify and it's not cost additional for the service.

    I'm on the family 550, and it is cheaper to just keep it that way. We don't use up all of our minutes usually.

    Of course I may start using more minutes if any iPhone friends defect to Verizon.

    small bird tattoo. Bird and Berries
  • Bird and Berries

  • Reach9
    Mar 26, 11:55 AM
    iOS improved so quick compared to other OS

    That was a funny joke.


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  • a small bird tattoo while

  • hulugu
    May 5, 01:11 PM
    So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?

    Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?

    This is a false choice. We can interrogate someone, but we cannot torture them.

    Think The Closer rather than 24.

    To quote someone else in this thread "show me proof", in terms of actual statements given under duress and the results of that information. Until you or I see that we are both really just hand-waving.

    As for the guy in the video, he's really the only one out there that I have seen that is so vocal about the ineffectiveness of E.I. I suspect that he is either someone that:

    a) Is just out to make a quick buck off his book;
    b) Has a grudge;
    c) Has remorse about things that he has done and is trying to make amends.

    So, you're going to dismiss the arguments of Matthew Alexander, but readily accept those of people who could be prosecuted for ordering acts of torture? I'd think that John Yoo, for example, would be much less trustworthy than Alexander in these cases.

    BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.

    Theissen's attempt to draw this distinction is just a distortion of logic. A person who has been tortured and knows that a moment's hesitation will lead to more torture is physiologically and psychologically different than they were before
    Torture changes ( the brain and damages memory and 'executive' faculties.

    small bird tattoo. Small Bird Tattoo Gallery
  • Small Bird Tattoo Gallery

  • bigpics
    Mar 31, 01:46 PM
    As a professional photographer this thing is (and always will be) an "App Store" toy - nothing more.

    The iPad will never have the horse power to do what pros need.A number of the comments here ("toy," "will never do X") are more than a bit reminiscent of what many reviewers were saying in 1984 - about the Mac.

    9" 512x342 monochrome pixel display. 128 KB RAM. 8 MHZ Moto CPU. 16 bit. (Note that's "KB" - not MB, let alone GB - and "MHZ" not GHZ.) No HDD or on-board storage of any kind other than its 64K of ROM. The OS, apps and files shared the use of a single 400 K mini-floppy disk. Two non-standard serial ports. The original keyboard lacked arrow and function keys, and had no numeric keypad, enraging some potential users. And it went to market with fewer native apps than the Xoom.

    And if you go back and look at MacWrite and MacPaint and compare them to where that "toy computer" and its apps are today (along with all the Windows computers which, uhhh, adopted its basic interface and input metaphor), and what it does.......

    ...i.e., all the types of tasks people here are saying can only be done on its current iterations, and "never" on the new toy...

    ...all the while (albeit with a hiatus in its middle years) remaining under the firm control of the same visionary leader someone here has labeled a "charlatan" and "aesthete"....

    ...and I've enjoyed watching it all happen while the naysayers have foamed at the mouth and gnashed their teeth at each and every new Apple release - even as Macs now hold an amazing 90% share of the premium (i.e., money-making part of) the PC market. Some toy.

    And lest some of you have forgotten, some program called... ...what was it, oh yeah, "Photoshop"... ...was originally released on this "hopeless" platform. (As were Pagemaker, Illustrator and QuarkExpress, e.g.)

    We're four years into iDevices and only ONE year into the iPad era. The New Yorker had a cover created on an original iPhone within months of its release. A somewhat major artist released a video on YouTube produced on an iPad 2 with iMovie and GarageBand within a day or two of its release.

    What will these device classes (and their successor innovations) be capable of in 3 years? 5? 10? 30?

    Perspective, people. Vision, hope, creativity, engineering, a willingness to jump off (calculated) new cliffs - and perspective.

    Some'a y'all oughta' go develop some.


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  • Steviejobz
    Apr 4, 11:18 AM
    Cool, just cancelled my print subscription

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  • Bird design tattoos have

  • stefmesman
    May 4, 01:28 PM
    Why isn't apple making a new FCE, a lot of people is asking for one.?

    because the new FCP is nearly the same price as FCE. and FCP has alot more options.


    small bird tattoo. Bird Tattoo Ideas!
  • Bird Tattoo Ideas!

  • atr-drivr
    Dec 14, 07:40 PM

    small bird tattoo. small bird tattoo.
  • small bird tattoo.

  • andiwm2003
    Jan 10, 05:49 PM
    well, i'm just about to buy a Jetta Sportwagon Diesel. This model wasn't updated but still remains the only station wagon with decent space, price and gas mileage in the USA. I would go for a Passat but it's too big for our driveway and no Diesel Wagon available.

    The car market here just plain sucks. There are not many useful models available. Mostly gas guzzling garbage or expensive luxury trash SUV's. Well each people gets the cars that they deserve..........


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  • small bird tattoo caged ird

  • Melrose
    Apr 17, 12:05 PM
    Not really a fan of her's, just thought the pic was cool haha
    Thanks to Melrose for sending me the icons. Hope i gave you a lot to go with now haha

    Dude I love the Download icon. Imma make one for me now :D

    BTW I made one for Bean word processor app if you'd like that too. I'm working on building a central place for the icons. If you want, I can share a folder in Dropbox where we can both have access to the files at any given moment.

    small bird tattoo. Bird Tattoo Ideas
  • Bird Tattoo Ideas

  • kalsta
    May 1, 07:39 AM
    Of course it's in his mind, it is his opinion after all.
    But there have been countless studies on how people are subconsciously influenced by almost everything they see. That's one of the reasons why marketing departments have work. And then we see different car models with different names for different countries.
    And I would say that .me isn't a very good choice. It just doesn't mean squat. Given that they must call it something, better use some word that will send a message or advertise the platform.

    Apple doesn't need to create brand awareness through an online service. They have more brand awareness than just about anyone already. What I feel they need to do is add more value to the products we're already purchasing.

    Making 'find my iPhone' free was a small step in the right direction. It's not all about promoting these features to new customers. Any smart business person knows that it's cheaper to keep your existing customers happy than to be chasing new ones. Apple should be doing everything they can to create a computing experience that is so good, you just can't bring yourself to walk away from it once you're using it. In the year that has to include things like easy and reliable syncing of data between devices and convenient online access to some of your data. I just don't know why it's taking Apple so long to realise this.

    I'm not dismissing the role of marketing names in guiding perceptions, but what's more important here is the overall value added to existing customers. An inadequate or overpriced service simply can't hide behind a catchy name. On the other hand, Apple could call it something really dull like 'Apple Online Services', and still blow people away with a great experience. I for one couldn't have cared less if Spotlight had been called Search, or Time Machine had been called Backup. They actually remind me a bit of the whole 'Sherlock' nonsense before OS X. I think Apple overestimates the value of these sub-brands for what most consumers likely see as basic services.

    As for the suitability of a '' email address for business, anyone who is serious about business will have their own domain name. I don't think the mere presence of the word 'me' in the MobileMe name reeks 'me generation' ugliness. To me it says something like 'personal online services that I can access from anywhere'. And that is essentially what it should be.


    small bird tattoo. Bird Tattoos
  • Bird Tattoos

  • MakX
    Apr 26, 03:55 AM
    Here's a weird one for ya.

    So, this started only happening a few days ago. Sometimes when I'm in an application and it, for no apparent reason, freezes itself and everything else in OS X. I cannot click any menus, any other applications or type anywhere (let alone make a field active to type in). My mouse still works fine (can move it around - but when I hover over the dock, nothing happens - it should magnify and obviously display application names).

    I can use the Opt-Cmd-Esc trick to force quit the application, at which stage I think the problem is resolved as I can click into applications. The problems start (again?) when I try and type once selecting somewhere to type. I press keys and nothing is output to the field, as if I'm not typing at all.

    This is an issue with OS X, as obviously I can do the Opt-Cmd-Esc thing and also change sound volume and brightness etc - the keyboard itself is fine. I end up having to restart the computer in order to regain use of regular typing.

    Numerous Google searches does not bring up much that I can really go with.

    What I can 'narrow' it down to, is the issue seems to occur when, or very soon after, I save a document. It's happened in both Coda and just now, Photoshop CS5. This leads me to think it may have something to do with my newly partitioned external HDD (insane, right?). Just after I partitioned it to make a separate volume for my MBP to use Time Machine (via sharing), the first occurrence happened. I see no reason logically for this to be the cause, however. It is noteworthy though.

    I will eventually just unplug my external HDD and see if it happens anymore. Figured I'd post here first to see if anyone knows the answer.

    Thanks for reading!

    Edit: // this seems to be exactly what is happening for me, and is related to USB media, however I am not trying to save to it, but it is present in my system.

    small bird tattoo. Bird Tattoo. quot;ird unfoldingquot;.
  • Bird Tattoo. quot;ird unfoldingquot;.

  • Mudbug
    Aug 19, 12:20 AM

    damn, I like that - but few if any will really understand.

    Nice one, gets my vote :D


    Happy to make you laugh :D

    small bird tattoo. Share Small Bird Tattoos Ideas
  • Share Small Bird Tattoos Ideas

  • fel10
    Apr 7, 12:52 PM (

    Dec 1, 06:49 PM
    Here is mine... a sweet Formula 1 car.

    Mar 31, 01:43 PM
    Soon we will only have one OS called iOSX

    OSX 10.7 has iOS features that were sent "Back to the Mac"
    iOS is getting OSX apps (Photoshop, Garage Band, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Photo Booth.......)
    OSX is getting apps originally designed for iOS

    If you imagine iOS and OSX on a line


    They are moving in opposite directions toward each other.


    Eventually, they will meet in the middle and we will have either 2 similar operating systems or simply a mix of the two.

    I think Apple thinks that by taking the best of the two worlds they are creating a "better" user experience. I don't know if this is the case but I think that this is clearly the inevitable long-term outcome. Time will tell.

    Yes, I want to have the same OS on my phone and my desktop.

    Jan 7, 09:01 PM
    Someone beat ( you to it, sorry :)

    Jun 29, 05:19 PM
    Want to get an idea of how much these would cost nowadays!
    Any GB would do.

    Dec 7, 03:41 PM
    Please share this wallpaper.

    Here you go :)

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