Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • longofest
    Oct 17, 08:57 AM
    Ick. This whole format war is nasty, but I guess I never understood why Apple decided to support blu-ray over HD-DVD. Seemed like they did it just to go against what Microsoft had chosen. The and the whole Steve wanting crippled hardware for another (his other) company's benefit over computer users...the whole situation stinks.

    As a consumer I'm trying as hard as possible to sit this one out. :mad:

    Apple chose sides before Microsoft did ;)

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  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:46 PM
    Conflict? The only conflict I see is your ilk trying to ignore the facts of life. Some people are gay. Deal with it, it's not hurting anyone.
    People being gay and then teaching children gay history are 2 different things. I'm afraid that one is an affront that should not be tolerated by any good parent. I'd advise those parents to just pull their kids out of the public school system, which they should have never put their kid into in the first place.

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 07:51 AM
    Isn't today the start of the Paris expo? So let's see...6 hours ahead of me here in Chicago...1 PM! They're updating it for the fact that the expo is up and running.

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  • Reach9
    Apr 26, 12:26 AM
    My 3G is on its last legs, literally. I may succumb to the white iPhone 4 if this is what is in store for the next calendar year.

    I have an iPhone 3G as well. It was on it's last leg until i downgraded to iOS 3.1.3, and it's a nice substitute until the iPhone 5. I don't know about you, but i think there will be significant enough features in the iPhone 5 to wait.


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  • ChazUK
    Apr 15, 05:07 PM
    Why are record labels so against cloud based storage and access of music?

    Until someone has a decent cloud offering in the uk, I can see myself sticking with Audiogalaxy for my own personal streaming needs.

    Amazon may have jumped the gun a bit but I admire what they did either way.

    I can't really agree with this. The last thing I want is a bunch of different places to buy music.

    IF and only if the same same content was offered on both stores would this be a good thing in my opinion, otherwise its kind of like the Blu Ray vs HD DVD thing.

    How is this comparable? Blu-ray and HD-DVD were completely incompatible with each other whereas the various online stores undoubtedly sell their music in an pod friendly format or face cutting off the biggest market for portable music players.

    The main problem we used to have was drm incompatibilities but that is pretty much dead. What is the benefit of having a singular source controling the music market?

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  • w_parietti22
    Oct 4, 07:32 PM
    I might be going for my 16th Bday :D :D :D


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 08:52 PM
    thanks ulbador, the OP understands now :D

    If OP wasn't confused he wouldn't have created a thread.

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  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 09:35 PM
    well it's not looking very good. it should have posted a bigadv unit by now. and my number of gpu units are looking lower - which means that something crashed. man it only had 12 hours left on the bigadv unit when i left, and now nothing. it was folding way at around 34:30 per frame inside a VM.

    Bummer :( that's aggravating...


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  • Eidorian
    May 3, 11:28 PM
    The reason why I didn't buy an Ipad yet. I would only browse on Safari and play games. Something that is available on my Macbook Pro.Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 22, 02:06 PM
    So we need moderators for this? I thought the complaint was that there aren't enough of them. Plus I would find it difficult yo determine a legitimate -1, to one that was added for malicious reasons.

    No, moderation becomes distributed amongst all members. Have a look at Slashdot - they developed the system there to manage their large number of comments.

    If you gain a lot of positive ratings on your own posts, you get 'kudos' points.

    Kudos score means you're invited to 'meta moderate' that is, to judge whether others are rating comments fairly or not. This removes the problem of people unfairly trying to bury or promote based on personal reasons, since meta-moderation helps reduce the weighting of trollish raters.

    It seems to work well, producing a self-moderating environment where you can easily filter thread comments to quickly read the best posts.

    The problem with the system MR appears to be building is that all ratings appear to have the same weight, whether coming from a respected forum member or a troll.

    Possible ways to fix this might be:
    - meta moderation
    - preventing the frequency that you can vote up/down a certain individual
    - weight votes based on some other measure of goodness
    - reduce weighting based on warnings/time-outs etc.


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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 08:32 AM
    That term should be reserved for one person and one person only:

    Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.



    wait, your name is michael bolton?

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  • Digitalclips
    Apr 16, 07:53 AM
    As much as I like google as a company, as with everything they start I'm sure they will never finish this. I've come to believe google is incapable of releasing a complete, polished project. But maybe I'm just bitter since I own a 40" google tv that is virtually incapable of doing anything worth doing on a tv.

    Google seem to be perpetually in 'beta' on everything. That works fine with Search, Maps, YouTube and Earth but on many products I have backed off as you never know if you put time and effort in to using / deploying them if they will be updated or even be there a year from now. Don't ever expect any support either!

    The thought of investing in any hardware reliant on anything from Google would scare the pants off me.

    I think Eric's tenure at Google was a disaster. Prior to him Google were innovative and lead in anything they took on. Now they are in a copy cat - catch up mode with Apple and seem to have lost their way. I hope the return of the original leaders will put Google back on track as an innovator. This industry needs more than one company that can do that.


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  • Tsunami911
    Apr 8, 01:02 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

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  • chrisd1974
    Apr 21, 09:55 AM
    Thank God (or should I say Demi-god :) ) that you closed this post down earlier. I promise to not try and engage the Brit or the Irishman in a conversation ever again!

    Wait a minute! I was drunk when I wrote my posts - what's your excuse! May I refer you to the following section of the MacRumors 'rules for appropriate debate'.

    Insults. Slurs and insults against groups of people based on negative-stereotyping and obvious generalizations fall into the category of trolling and will be treated as such.

    The Brit and the Irishman?!? :eek: :eek: Bigot! (look it up)

    PS - I'm only kidding, go have a sit down.

    Have a nice day.


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  • Abstract
    Apr 11, 08:41 AM
    Phiaton Moderna MS-400 headphones. :)

    Review. (
    Another review from Head-fi (

    I got them because the hardshell case will be very useful, and it's easy to drive, un-amped, with an iPhone. :) I could have bought them in all-black, but these are less boring!! I was also considering the Denon D510r (includes iPhone remote), Klipsch Image One (supposedly has overwhelming bass and only average sound quality), Shure SRH-750 and 840 (both are too big), or even Beyerdynamics t50p (was in serious consideration). I still think I made a good choice though!

    I also bought a pair of Denon C560r in-ears. I bought the same pair 6 months ago, but I lost them. :( They're fantastic, and the remote control is sooooo useful!! I have also owned Klipsch S4i, and I think these are better.

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  • Blakjack
    Apr 25, 12:41 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    No u havn't been holding out. You just didnt give a s***!

    1st gen?!! WOW! LOL


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  • roadbloc
    Apr 17, 05:11 AM
    How does Gnome 3.0 on Linux compare to the new UI in OSX Lion?

    I've been playing around with Gnome 3.0, and it seems like the designers have a similar philosophy about desktop navigation.

    Gnome 3.0 Preview (This is not my video):

    I'm sorry, but that is very Mac OS X-esske.

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  • ifjake
    Oct 17, 09:33 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

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  • mrkramer
    Jan 15, 11:10 PM
    I was very disappointed with the keynote. I have no need for an :apple:TV, I am slightly upset that the iPod touch update costs money. The time capsule may be interesting, but nothing I plan on getting anytime soon. I did get excited when the MacBook air was introduced, but then after the keynote when I was checking prices on the BTO parts to see how long until I would have enough money to buy it I realized that it had a glossy screen which I will never buy so what would have been an otherwise almost perfect powerbook 12" replacement was ruined.

    Apr 21, 10:32 PM
    I agree. And there should be some kind of count of "thanks" for each member. And it can give us different "levels" based on our thankfulness. Kind of like how we achieve different statices based on our post count.

    "Thanks" might work in a pure support form. But for news discussion, it makes little sense.


    fr33 loader
    Jan 10, 11:01 PM
    Hahaha, that would be hilarious! C'mon guys, seriously. No harm done.

    Unless you are the one standing and giving the presentation. The wasted manpower to fix it. Money to use the stage for certain alloted time. Negative effect on brand name thinking it was a real malfunction on the TV set. All of this to gain what?:(

    Mar 6, 03:14 PM
    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    Apr 8, 06:42 PM
    Once I went to Best Buy to get a toslink cable with a mini plug end for my macbook. The employee in the department asked if I needed help. I responded that I need a toslink cable with a miniplug end rather than the regular. The employee in charge of the cable section had never heard of such a thing. I described it but the employee had this look that suggested I was confused. LOL

    Local retail would be worth a little extra cost if employees were actually trained to be knowledgable in the products. That would require paying decent wages to knowledgable staff. Sadly the retail outlets like to charge more and pay minimum wage to people who are expected to know the location of items on shelves and that's it. Most of the employees in Best Buy that I've encountered could have been replaced with grocery store clerks and the service would be the same. I'm not insulting the workers. Just pointing out the expectations of the clerks in these places. And of course if you want employees to be interested in the product line more, they should be paid more.

    They're supposed to be trained. There's a fairly expansive, albeit oftentimes overly general website focused solely on training employees for their given departments tech needs. They're supposed to be required courses. I had to go through quite a bit of testing and had to do a lot of training courses (despite not really needing them) before I got a blue shirt. Too bad I actually preferred the white shirt of the "in training" new employee. I guess I don't really like the stigma attached to the blue shirt...I honestly felt demoted when I got it.

    Mar 25, 03:56 AM
    And when we will get to OS XI?

    Never. OS X is a brand, it's not really an OS version number. If/when Apple eventually ditches OS X or changes it significantly enough, it will have a new name and identity. (Or maybe it will become iOS X. ;) )


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